The Maple runaround

Training Tips Dog Owner Mistake: Repeating your Command
How to talk to your dog so that they listen to and obey your commands.

Is Your Dog a Healthy Weight?
Is it really a big deal if your dog is a little bit chubby? Well, according to your vet, it is. Being overweight can decrease your dog’s quality and length of life.

The Dog Camp Difference
What sets dog camp apart from doggy daycare or time spent with dog friends? Your dog will learn essential skills that will benefit them for their entire life.

Training tip: Reward for Relaxation
A simple trick to improve your relationship with your dog and encourage better behavior in every situation.

NEW! Online Training Course
My new online dog training course is here to help you live your best life with your dog. If your dog struggles with behavioral issues like hyperactivity, reactivity, aggression, fearfulness, or needs exercise to be calm, this course is for you! Learn how to train your dog from the comforts of your own home, and on your own time.

Be Your Dog’s Best Friend
The most common piece of advice I give training clients is: advocate for your dog. Here’s what that means and how to practice it.
No More Tall Tails: Busting Training Myths
Exploring common misconceptions in dog training. In this post, I’ll discuss misconceptions about ecollar training.

What is Aggression?
Dogs are frequently labeled as aggressive, even when they’re exhibiting completely appropriate and natural behaviors.

It’s Tick Season!
It’s a tough tick season in the New Hampshire Lakes Region this year. Here are my tips for minimizing the dogs’ exposure to tick bites.

Puppy Socialization
Puppy socialization is an essential part of your puppy’s upbringing. But going about it wrong can cause more harm than good.

Keep Your Dog Safe This Winter
Some dogs - like Northern breeds - don’t need any gear to get through a cold New England winter comfortably and safely. But most pet dogs will need some help from gear if they’re going to be spending a lot of time outside this winter. Here’s what I recommend.

Now Offering Board and Trains!
I’m so excited to be able to offer this new service to my training clients!

The #1 Mistake dog owners make in training
Remember that each time you give your dog a command, they are making a choice – whether or not to comply. Make that choice as easy as you can!

Using food to support your dog
Using treats to train a dog often gets a bad rap. Some people think that giving out lots of treats means you’re bribing your dog, and not really teaching them to perform a behavior independently. This fails to account for the enormous benefits that using food has for your dog. When used appropriately, food can turn a scared dog into a confident one and a pessimist into an optimist.

Is Dog Camp Right For My Dog?
Dog camp is a wonderful experience for dogs – but it’s not for every dog!